Empowering Women Leaders OTS Experience
Empowering Women Masterclass – an Off the Shelf Experience
Enable your Organisation to develop and improve understanding on how a diverse workforce & female empowerment can be a competitive advantage in your workplace.
It’s an opportunity for women in your business to come together to share knowledge, best practices, and tips, exchange ideas to grow their network for career development; and to help facilitate the same for their colleagues.
Created with our SMEs expertise and our Learning Design experience – This experience is More than Collections, modules and resources. We’ve built a full end to end solution so that organisations don’t need to.
Please note this is not a single collection, its an End to End Learning Programme – A Package of Collections and other assets and products.
Included as part of Empowering Women Leaders OTS Experience*:
- Collections: OTS Content included, added to Adapt
- Leadership knowledge Collection
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Collection
- Collaboration Collection
- Starter Pack (Free)
- Adapt Builder
- Editable Content Access
- Digital Assets: Digital Assets built into the OTS Experience
- Expert Curated resources
- Bank of Graphic Assets such as Headers, Tiles and Icons
- OTS Experience: Structuring and scaffolding of learning experience within the LXP platform.
Adding Specific Content, Resources and Assets to the Experience
*Other products or services may be required as part of your requirements

Lessons in this collection

Based on Empowering Women Leaders OTS Experience we recommend

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