Accreditations and Endorsements

CPD certified
Institute of Hospitality

Also in Legal and Responsible

PCI DSS Awareness
lesson / 30m
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Through realistic business scenarios, in this lesson you’ll explore the importance of PCI DSS, the roles and responsibilities of businesses, managers, and team members […]

Infectious Disease Awareness
lesson / 40m

Like it or not, infectious diseases are everywhere. And it’s not just doctors, nurses, and microbiologists who need to know the basics about how pathogens work and how to avoid them – everyone should know enough to keep themselves and the people around them safe.

Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation
lesson / 36m

This module aims to raise awareness of CSE and human trafficking, and to describe their impact on the hospitality industry. We focus on the […]

Overview of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (Hospitality)
lesson / 30m

This is an introduction to the Corporate Manslaughter Act in England and Wales and the Corporate Homicide Act in Scotland. Situations that could result […]

Licensing Law for Employees Working in the Bar
lesson / 24m

This module looks at what alcohol is and the effect it has on the human body. We focus on the main objectives of the […]

Licensing Law for Employees Working in the Bar in Scotland
lesson / 24m

This module looks at what alcohol is and the effect it has on the human body. We focus on the main objectives of the […]

Legionella Awareness (Legal & Responsible Edition)
lesson / 36m

This module on Legionella Awareness is for HBE building maintenance operatives and those who manage colleagues in maintenance settings. The module will help you […]

Health and Safety
lesson / 35m

Topics covered in this module include the main legal responsibilities of employers and employees, hazards and risks in the workplace and the importance of […]

Fire Safety in Hospitality and Retail
lesson / 40m

In this module you’ll find out about the main causes and effects of fires in the workplace and what to do in the event […]

Cellar Management
lesson / 33m

Whether you’re new to working in a bar or you’re an experienced bar person, it’s important that you know and understand how cellar management […]

Bar Skills for Managers
lesson / 33m

In this module we’ll look at some of the essential skills you’ll need as manager of a bar. These include dispensing and presenting drinks […]

Bar Skills for Employees
lesson / 33m

In this module we’ll look at some the essential skills you’ll need to work in a bar. These include dispensing and presenting drinks professionally […]
