Accreditations and Endorsements

This module outlines how to successfully search for jobs and looks at some alternatives to traditional job searching.
Watch Content PreviewThe first of two modules aimed at managers to help them support their team to increase their digital workplace skills (even if they don’t […]
This is the second of two modules aimed at managers to help you support your team to increase their digital workplace skills. In the […]
Aimed at those not in a managerial position, this lesson is designed to help you increase your digital workplace skills. You’ll explore the UK […]
In this course, you’ll learn more about data ethics and how to put it into practice in your own organisation.
Welcome to An Introduction to the Human Rights Act. In this lesson, we will look at what human rights are and what they mean in the […]
Welcome to this elearning module on Making Every Contact Count. Completing this module will help you to understand when and how to deliver appropriate […]
This lesson has been put together to provide you with information and guidance around your organisation’s communication support. By the end of this lesson, […]
In this module you will learn about Working Time Regulations (WTR). You will learn what constitutes working time, what an employee’s rights are in […]
We’ll often find ourselves tasked with writing for a range of audiences, including experts and non-experts, elected members and members of the public, co-workers […]
Welsh Language Awareness This module is designed to raise awareness of the Welsh language and is aimed at anyone interested in the history of […]
The module aims to give you the key information points on the government’s welfare reform programme and how it is likely to affect those […]
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) RIPA provides a legal framework for the control and regulation of surveillance and covert monitoring, ensuring […]
The vast majority of the 2.8 million ex-Servicemen and women living in Britain today have successfully adapted to civilian life, putting the skills and […]
This module outlines how to prepare a good CV and how to complete application forms.
This module outlines the purpose of the interview, types of interview and what you can do to prepare. We also look at the nuts […]
Completing this module will help you to consider the impact of change for you and your team. It will also enable you to prepare […]
Completing this module will help you to consider the impact of change. It will also help you to understand the need for change and […]
This module will guide you through the steps to take following redundancy, including an introduction to the Skills Map and some details about the […]
In September 2014 the biggest reform of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) legislation for 30 years came into force. Included in this legislation […]
“Welcome to the second in a series of three modules in this series. It will give you an overview of the thinking behind the […]
This introduces funding provision within educational settings for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and also the different elements […]
Welcome to this e-learning module on records management. You will learn the benefits of organising records, how you can help your organisation meet its […]
Customer satisfaction is as important in the public sector as the private sector, and there’s an onus on every organisation to continuously seek to […]
Radicalisation is defined as the process by which someone comes to support terrorism and violent extremism and, in some cases, to participate in terrorist […]
Completing this module will help you to identify signs of radicalisation, and understand when and how to report concerns appropriately. The module covers the […]
‘Plain English’ can be best defined as instruction or information that the intended audience can read, understand and act upon the first time that […]
When you finish this module you will be aware of your responsibilities, as set out in the Management Standards, and understand the scope of […]
This module examines why understanding policy and politics is an important skill and outlines the core skills of a Councillor, from local leadership through […]
This module on Legionella Awareness is for HBE building maintenance operatives and those who manage colleagues in maintenance settings. The module will help you […]
This e-learning module will help you to understand the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012. The module explores the Act, its benefits and how […]
The aim of this module is to help housing staff understand the unique condition of hoarding that some tenants may suffer from. It will […]
Whether you are new to local government or are already working in the sector, this module will provide you with interesting facts and information, […]
Whether you are new to local government or are already working in the sector, this module will provide you with interesting facts and information, […]
Whether you are new to local government or are already working in the sector, this module will provide you with interesting facts and information, […]
Whether you are new to local government or are already working in the sector, this module will provide you with interesting facts and information, […]
In this module we explore the background to PSN and the benefits that the service provides, as well as looking at our responsibilities as […]
This module explains how to properly share personal information so that our services can be improved. It covers why we need to share information, […]
This module will provide you with a basic understanding of hate and mate crime and an increased understanding of how to respond to it. […]
The Homelessness Reduction Act places new legal duties on local authorities and housing authorities to reduce and prevent homelessness. This e-learning provides an overview […]
A grievance is an employee’s way of expressing dissatisfaction with some aspect of their working life, and maintaining a happy, motivated team can often […]
Every public sector employee should strive to be an ambassador for customer care, and never more so than when dealing with a complaint from […]
This is the first part of a two-part suite on Freedom of Information (FOI). The second part is on Handling Requests. The content covers […]
This is the second part of a two-part suite on Freedom of Information, following on from the Guide for Local Authorities. The content covers […]
This module is aimed at frontline professionals and volunteers wanting to learn more about fuel poverty, its causes and links with physical and mental […]
Equality Act 2010 This module provides an overview of the Equality Act 2010 and the public sector equality duty. The aim is to explain […]
Equality Impact Assessments This module looks in detail at equality impact assessments – when and how to do them, and why they are important. […]
Female genital mutilation (FGM) has many names. It is often called female circumcision or ‘cutting’. Whatever name it goes under, the practice refers to […]
This e-learning is designed for anyone who has access to council information, including temporary and permanent council staff, contractors, volunteers and Councillors.
This e-learning which is designed for anyone who has access to council information, including temporary and permanent council staff, contractors, volunteers and Councillors Learning […]
Good decisions require good quality information built on good quality data that is robust, accurate and reliable. You need to collect the right data […]
When processing card payments, every care must be taken to ensure that the transaction is safe and secure. To this end, every organisation must […]
In this module, we’ll explore the ways children, young people and vulnerable adults are exploited by criminal activity and give you mechanisms to safeguard […]
This module will explain each element of an application form, giving you helpful hints and tips along the way. We have used some of […]
Business Continuity Management (or BCM) involves organisations putting in place arrangements and plans to enhance resilience against disruption to services and activities. It’s important […]
This module is aimed at helping those who lack confidence in using mathematics for business and within Excel. You’ll learn about the basic operators […]
The term ‘anti-social behaviour’ covers a wide range of incidents of crime, nuisance and disorder that make many people’s lives a misery – from […]
A carer is someone who helps another person, usually a friend or relative, in their day-to-day life. It’s estimated that, in the UK, three […]
In this module you will be introduced to best practice for running a successful event. You will look at the different types of event […]
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