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Also in Childrens Social Care

The Role of a Social Worker within Child Protection Processes
lesson / 30m

Welcome to this e-learning module. This module outlines your key responsibilities as a social worker within child protection processes, and highlights the importance of […]

Children’s Deprivation of Liberty (DoL)
lesson / 28m

In this lesson we’ll look at Children’s DoL (Deprivation of Liberty), what it is and how to apply this in practice.

Autism Awareness: Level 2
lesson / 55m

This lesson is designed for anyone who requires an intermediate understanding of autism and the support autistic people may need and meets the requirements […]

Autism Awareness: Level 1
lesson / 1h 15m

This lesson is designed for people in any sector who require a general understanding of autism and the support autistic people may need and […]

Downs Syndrome Awareness
lesson / 15m

This module has been created in co-production between a social care professional and an expert by experience who has Down’s Syndrome. We have also […]

What is Leadership?
lesson / 45m

The National Skills Academy for Social Care Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) sets out what good quality leadership should be for both individuals and organisations. […]

Supervision for Supervisees
lesson / 30m

Supervision is a three-way partnership between the organisation you work for, the supervisor and those they supervise (supervisees). It involves all parties working together […]

Supervision for Supervisors – Module 1 Introduction to Supervision for Supervisors
lesson / 60m
Supervision for Supervisors – Module 2 Development and performance management through supervision
lesson / 60m
Supervision for Supervisors – Module 3 – Supporting the Supervisee
lesson / 60m
Sexual Abuse
lesson / 45m

Child sexual abuse is an especially complicated form of abuse because of its layers of deceit. This module looks at the signs and impacts […]

Self-Harm (Children’s Social Care Edition)
lesson / 30m

Self-harm is an extremely complex issue, both for those who self-harm and the professionals who support them. This module looks specifically at individuals who […]

Recording Skills
lesson / 33m

Record keeping, and keeping good quality case notes, are central to the processes of assessment, decision-making, service planning and delivery.. Learning Outcomes for this […]

Public Law Outline 2014
lesson / 60m

The Public Law Outline (PLO) is a statutory timescale put in place by the Children and Families Act (2014). This module will help you […]

lesson / 30m

Radicalisation is defined as the process by which someone comes to support terrorism and violent extremism and, in some cases, to participate in terrorist […]

Positive Behaviour Support
lesson / 60m

Young people with additional needs, such as behavioural problems, substance misuse issues or learning needs, can sometimes display challenging behaviour. Positive Behaviour Support (or […]

Multi-Agency Forums
lesson / 30m

In this module we explore the roles of the various organisations that make up Multi-Agency Forums within the child protection process. All local authorities […]

lesson / 45m

Neglect is not always easy to identify by professionals. This module aims to help professionals identify the signs, indicators, symptoms and risk factors associated […]

Life Story Work
lesson / 60m

Within social care settings, life story work is a term used to describe a biographical approach that offers children and young people an opportunity […]

Leadership Styles and Theories
lesson / 40m

This module will introduce you to various leadership styles, including democratic and transactional. You will also learn about a number of different leadership theories. […]

Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
lesson / 30m

Forced marriage is a form of honour based violence. It occurs when a marriage takes place without the free consent of the people getting […]

Female Genital Mutilation
lesson / 45m

Female genital mutilation (FGM) has many names. It is often called female circumcision or ‘cutting’. Whatever name it goes under, the practice refers to […]

Emotional Abuse
lesson / 20m

This course looks at the signs and symptoms of emotional abuse as well as how agencies can work together to identify it. A series […]

Early Help for Children and Families
lesson / 40m

The Early help for children and families and Team Around the Family (TAF) provide a standardised approach to assessing and supporting children and families […]

Domestic Abuse
lesson / 60m

Domestic abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over […]

County lines
lesson / 30m

In this module, we’ll explore the ways children, young people and vulnerable adults are exploited by criminal activity and give you mechanisms to safeguard […]

Court Skills for Children’s Social Workers
lesson / 60m

As a social worker, one of your roles will be to work with cases in care proceedings. By making sure that you have all […]

Coercive Control
lesson / 40m

Coercive control is when a partner or family member continually behaves in a way which makes a person feel controlled, threatened, isolated or scared. […]

Child Protection Investigations
lesson / 33m

Child protection processes are an essential framework to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This module looks at the Section 47 Enquiry, how […]

Child Protection Processes
lesson / 30m

This course looks at the process that occurs following a Section 47 Enquiry and the types of abuse that may instigate such an investigation. […]

Child Sexual Exploitation
lesson / 57m

This is a prevalent topic for those working within the field of social care, and this course aims to give an overview of what […]

Childhood Obesity
lesson / 45m

The World Health Organization (WHO) regards childhood obesity as one of the most serious global public health challenges for the 21st century. So how […]

Children with Disabilities
lesson / 57m

Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to risk. This course explores why this is and how to effectively safeguard them while ensuring they have […]
