The Coffee Collection
Crafting the Perfect Coffee is harder than it looks! Understanding the Theory of Coffee is just as important as making an Espresso or Latte. We’ve developed this collection to guide new (and upskilling) baristas through the complete process from Pouring Beans to Serving with some coffee art.
This collection, including 10 lessons on crafting the perfect coffee, takes an in-depth look at Coffee Theory – The history of coffee, beans & storage and caring for equipment.
These lessons are carried out by a barista with years of experience who’ll show your staff how to create the classics along with the do’s and don’ts of getting the perfect milk and coffee art.
Espresso | Cappuccino | Latte | Americano | Flat White | Mocha | Cortado | Affogato – These and more in the tutorials!

Lessons in this collection

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