• AI Conversations

Conversation 5: Promoting Information Security

  • Assessment

Your company is trying to win a new prospect’s business. The deal would be a very big win for your company, so employees from different teams across the organization have been meeting with the prospect—including you. You're meeting with a contact at the prospective client's organization.   Your organization has a very strict policy around protecting sensitive information and only allows employees to use authorized work accounts to communicate sensitive information to prospects, clients, and coworkers. However, you're about to find out that your contact does business differently. How will you navigate this situation?   Meet the AI Characters Who Will Be Your Contact*:

  • Ethan is not overly concerned about rules or company policy. He views the people he conducts business with as friends and expects the same in return.
  • Zachary has a confident personality. He operates on a system of trust and likes to conduct business in a way in way that's easy and convenient for him.
  • Allison is self-assured. She’s not particularly concerned about following company policies—particularly those related to information security.
* The character you communicate with will be chosen at random.   You'll be scored and receive feedback based on the following goals:
  • Taking appropriate steps to protect sensitive information
  • Politely refusing to engage in behavior that puts sensitive information at risk
  • Relying on and referring to company policy
  • Being empathetic and respectful when disagreeing

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