• AI Conversations

Conversation 4: Bystander Intervention – Preventing Workplace Harassment and Bullying

  • Assessment

You notice one of your colleagues making lewd and flirtatious comments to a new coworker, Sophia. Sophia is clearly uncomfortable. You don’t know Sophia very well, but you’ve worked closely with the colleague who’s making the comments, so you feel comfortable intervening.   Based on the situation, you decide that the best approach to take is to have a separate conversation with your colleague about the comments that were made. How will you handle this conversation?   Meet the AI Characters Who Will Be Your Colleague*:

  • Mason is relaxed and laid-back. He likes to joke around and doesn’t want to be part of a work culture where he feels like everything he says and does is being monitored.
  • Paige has a confident personality. She doesn’t take things too seriously and likes to have fun at work.
  • Daniel is self-assured. He’s recently divorced, and things have been tough for him.
* The character you communicate with will be chosen at random.   You'll be scored and receive feedback based on the following goals:
  • Being an active bystander
  • Intervening in a respectful manner
  • Referring to company policy
  • Remaining calm and professional

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