Accreditations and Endorsements

Welcome to this e-learning course about promoting and sustaining dignity and respect in the workplace. Topics covered include promoting independence, privacy and confidentiality, and […]
This lesson is designed for anyone who requires an intermediate understanding of autism and the support autistic people may need.
This lesson is designed for anyone who requires a general understanding of autism and the support autistic people may need and meets the requirements of the Core Capabilities Framework for Supporting Autistic People (2019).
“Autism is a difference in the way a person thinks, perceives and therefore understands the world and others,” (Autism Initiatives). What this means is […]
This module has been created in co-production between a social care professional and an expert by experience who has Down’s Syndrome. We have also […]
Since 2019, Adult Social Care workers have been attending court more and more. This lesson is designed to support those who need to attend […]
The National Skills Academy for Social Care Leadership Qualities Framework (LQF) sets out what good quality leadership should be for both individuals and organisations. […]
Care and support planning is a holistic, person-centred process for people with long-term conditions who need personal care and support. It enables the individual to identify […]
In this module about the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), we take a look at the function and application […]
This module explores the factors that contribute to causing a stroke, the different types of strokes, the strategies which can help prevent them occurring, […]
This module will help learners to understand the skills and behaviours that are essential to be an effective supervisee and how to get the […]
This module is designed to enable a practitioner to follow the correct process to provide care and support for service users. It covers what […]
Self-harm is an extremely complex issue, both for those who self-harm and the professionals who support them. This module looks specifically at individuals who […]
Self-neglect is complex and varied and is often misunderstood. This module looks at the three main types of self-neglect, who is at risk, how […]
This module explores the ethos of reablement, who’s involved and its benefits. It will also help the learner understand how individuals are assessed and […]
This module on recording skills looks at the importance of keeping records and how to record information correctly in the social care setting. It […]
Radicalisation is defined as the process by which individuals come to support terrorism and violent extremism and, in some cases, to participate in terrorist […]
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) updated the inspection framework for health and social care in 2017 to align service inspections. Learning Outcomes for this […]
Around 180,000 patients develop a pressure ulcer in hospital each year. This module looks at the eight principles of pressure ulcer management as well […]
Person-centred Approaches Part 1 The first of three modules in this course which meets the requirements of the Skills for Health, Health Education England […]
Person-centred Approaches Part 2a The second of three modules in two parts, in this course which meets the requirements of the Skills for Health, […]
Person-centred Approaches Part 2b The second of three modules in two parts, in this course which meets the requirements of the Skills for Health, […]
Person-centred Approaches Part 3 The Final of three modules in two parts, in this course which meets the requirements of the Skills for Health, […]
Personal resilience is an important quality for helping people adapt and develop effective coping strategies to stressful working conditions and improve wellbeing in the […]
This module starts by exploring the values and principles underpinning personalisation and the role of the social worker in delivering personalised services. It also […]
In this e-learning on Positive Behaviour Support, often referred to as PBS, you’ll begin with an overview of PBS and explore challenging behaviours. Next, […]
Do you ever find it difficult to connect with someone you are supporting? How can you get to know the real person? In this […]
This module will introduce you to leadership styles including democratic and transactional. You will also learn about a number of different leadership theories. Learning […]
This module is for health and social care staff who work with people who have a learning disability. It will give you information about […]
This module on Incontinence Management is split into two parts, and is for those supporting people living with incontinence in settings such as social […]
This module on Incontinence Management is split into two parts, and is for those supporting people living with incontinence in settings such as social […]
The Homelessness Reduction Act places new legal duties on local authorities and housing authorities to reduce and prevent homelessness. This e-learning provides an overview […]
Forced marriage is a form of honour based violence. This module will look at what honour means in the context of honour based violence […]
The End of Life Care Suite contains four modules covering tiers 1 and 2. Tier 1 — Those that require general end of life […]
The End of Life Care Suite contains four modules covering tiers 1 and 2. Tier 1 — Those that require general end of life […]
The End of Life Care Suite contains four modules covering tiers 1 and 2. Tier 1 — Those that require general end of life […]
The End of Life Care Suite contains four modules covering tiers 1 and 2. Tier 1 — Those that require general end of life […]
This module looks to raise awareness of dementia, including, what it is, the different types, how it is caused, the symptoms, who it affects […]
To ensure a full understanding of the content encountered in this module, please ensure that you have completed the Dementia Awareness module (Tier 1) […]
To ensure a full understanding of the content encountered in this module, please ensure that you have completed the Dementia Awareness module (Tier 1) […]
To ensure a full understanding of the content encountered in this module, please ensure that you have completed the previous 3 modules in this […]
To ensure a full understanding of the content encountered in this module, please ensure that you have completed the previous 4 modules in this […]
This module is designed to increase your awareness of domestic abuse and looks at your responsibilities as a health professional. It looks at the […]
In this module we explore the ways children, young people and vulnerable adults are exploited by criminal activity and give you mechanisms to safeguard […]
Coercive control is when a partner or family member continually behaves in a way which makes a person feel controlled, threatened, isolated or scared. […]
This module will introduce you to some key elements of assistive technology and give you an overview of telecare and telehealth. You’ll also see […]
This module looks at the issues regarding adult weight such as the causes and impact of obesity. It will help learners to understand what […]
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