Smart Revision: The Principles of Risk Assessment
In this Smart Revision, you’ll receieve pointed recommendations on what sections you need to revise. This training can take between 5-30 minutes depending on your existing knowledge.”Carrying out a risk assessment where necessary is a legal requirement under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Failure to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is a criminal offence. This module has been designed to provide an overview of risk assessments.
Learning Outcomes for this module include:
Define risk assessment and identify the key principles.
Understand the difference between a hazard and a risk, and will recognise which risks require assessment.
Confident in undertaking the risk assessment process.
Understand what a risk assessment is, who they should cover, who is most at risk and when we undertake a risk assessment.
Ability to carry out 5 steps of a risk assessment process and how to review them.”
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