Accreditations and Endorsements

Every year, the fire service attends hundreds of thousands of fires around the UK, a significant portion of which occur in the workplace. The threat to safety is obvious, and both employers and staff have legal responsibilities to ensure that procedures are followed and all due care is taken.
Our module, set in a typical office environment, is designed to provide a detailed overview of good fire safety practice. We look at identifying potential risks, what to do in the event of a blaze and how to utilise different types of fire-fighting equipment. Fire Safety includes practical case-studies and a 12-question knowledge check section.
Learning Outcomes for this module include:
Learners will be aware of the elements that make a fire, the different types of fire and how they spread.
They will know how to identify and prevent causes as well as the responsibilities of themselves and their employer. They will understand the effects of fire in the workplace, how to tackle a fire, the different types of fire equipment and how it is used.
This lesson will help learners understand the effects of excessive noise exposure, recognise noise problems and assess and handle noise control issues appropriately.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 is the law that requires all employers, including NHS Trusts, to control substances that […]
In this Smart Revision, you’ll receive pointed recommendations on what sections you need to revise. This training can take between 5-30 minutes depending on […]
In this Smart Revision, you’ll receive pointed recommendations on what sections you need to revise. This training can take between 5-30 minutes depending on […]
Lone working comes with its own set of challenges and all professionals should guard against undue risk. This module will define the concept of […]
In this Smart Revision, you’ll receieve pointed recommendations on what sections you need to revise. This training can take between 5-30 minutes depending on […]
It’s thought that around eight million people in the UK work alone or without direct supervision, and with new advances in technology this number […]
Manual handling, whereby one ‘transports or supports a load by hand, or by bodily force’ accounts for 24% of all reported workplace accidents – […]
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 require the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences which arise out of, […]
In this Smart Revision, you’ll receive pointed recommendations on what sections you need to revise. This training can take between 5-30 minutes depending on […]
Each year since 2001 an average of 8,702 people in Great Britain have been seriously injured due to a fall from height. In the […]
This module on Legionella Awareness is for HBE building maintenance operatives and those who manage colleagues in maintenance settings. The module will help you […]
Personal safety represents our ability to go about everyday life free from the threat or fear of psychological, emotional or physical harm from others. […]
Description of This module looks at the key aims of first aid and laws associated with health and safety at work as well as […]
This module looks at health and safety policy and the legal requirements for both employees and employers. It also covers how to implement health […]
Surveys of office workers, conducted by the Health and Safety Executive, have revealed that many employees experience pain and discomfort following extended periods of […]
Of the increasing number of vehicles on Britain’s roads each year, many are being driven for business purposes. The road safety problems associated with […]
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