Accreditations and Endorsements

We live in an information age, where data is a key business resource and managing information is a crucial managerial skill. Our e-learning module will examine why information is important and our role as a manager, as well as providing a framework model with which to effectively analyse information
Learning Outcomes for this module include:
Develop and support the effective use of information within their team, and how to apply tools and processes designed to improve levels of information management.
Understand what is meant by the term ‘Information management’, and associated terms.
Assess framework for evaluating data and gain greater clarity on the roles people play in collecting, storing, handling and sharing data safely.
A well-organised information system can have a number of benefits for your organisation. As well as helping you comply with legislation, it will allow […]
Attending a virtual meeting is just like attending an in-person meeting, but there are additional challenges you may face as both an attendee or […]
Technology is something that affects most people in the Western world. Whether we like it or not, these technological changes are now embedded within […]
We have created this lesson as a useful guide for those who maybe haven’t used social media before or haven’t used it very much. […]
Remote working is becoming a common feature of the modern workplace, with professionals increasingly undertaking much of their work away from the traditional confines […]
We have designed this lesson to help you manage a team during the introduction of remote working. There are a number of scenarios to […]
This lesson containing: 8-minute video outlining the basics of online presentations, a 13-minute video from Sarah Travers on presenting to camera, a 4-minute video […]
Email has changed the way that we do business, but lately we’ve been hearing more about the problems of email stress and overcrowded inboxes. […]
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