Accreditations and Endorsements

Dignified care has a significant effect upon the service user’s well-being and experience; the right to being treated with dignity is a fundamental part of being provided with ‘care’.People often feel that their dignity is compromised when their privacy is taken away.
This module looks at helping individuals maintain their privacy and dignity by enabling them to have choice and control and make decisions through active participation. A multiple choice knowledge check is included. Care workers will know what is meant by privacy and dignity, and understand how to help individuals maintain theirs.
Everyone who has been in contact with social care services and has met a social care practitioner will have case records held about the […]
There are many things which can help a social care practitioner develop their skills and knowledge to do their job better. This course looks […]
The Health and Social Care Act (2008) Code of Practice states that health and social care providers must ‘provide and maintain a clean and […]
As a social care worker, you have a duty of care towards the people you support. This means that you have a duty to […]
When supporting individuals, it is important to work in a way that promotes person-centred values; everyone has the right to live the way they […]
As a social care worker, you will communicate with people as you go about your job – you will communicate with your colleagues, your […]
Nutrition is the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition includes an adequate, well balanced diet combined with […]
This course looks at a range of issues including psychosis, depression, anxiety, dementia and learning disabilities and how you can support individuals. Social care […]
Practising equality and inclusion helps to ensure that people are not discriminated against. Equality involves treating people fairly and making sure that they have […]
As someone who works in social care, you will work with people to help them with their daily lives. Often these people are vulnerable, […]
Safeguarding adults means protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It involves protecting vulnerable adults from abuse or […]
Child protection and safety is everyone’s responsibility, and anyone with a concern about a child’s welfare should refer their concern to Children’s Social Care. […]
As a social care practitioner, it is important to have an awareness of the symptoms of a heart attack and to understand the basics […]
It is important to understand the agreed ways of working that relate to health and safety in your place of work. These will be […]
Continuing our commitment of Care Certificate, we’ve created Oral Health. People with learning disabilities, cognitive impairment and other disabilities may have similar experiences of […]
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