Accreditations and Endorsements

Not sure where you stand on creativity? Answer these quick questions about yourself and we’ll give you some pointers.
Watch Content PreviewA brief introduction to our curated learning resources on Creativity. Why it’s a vital future skill for the workplace, and how to use the […]
What does it mean to be entrepreneurial? This module introduces you to the topic of Entrepreneurship and how you can make use of the […]
Something to open the mind and get the creative juices flowing. This resource tells you what the alternative uses activity is, and gives you […]
A thought-provoking technique to help you rethink something – anything – and make it better! Follow this model to help you think about something […]
We explore ‘first movers’ and ‘fast followers’ in this video essay and how both types of organisation can be successful.
Can you balance risk and opportunity and bring a new product successfully to market? Try out this choose-your-own-adventure activity to put your entrepreneurial skills […]
This module explores how to encourage entrepreneurship in individuals, teams and as an organisation.
A video of a casual debate about whether brainstorming is an effective method for creative ideas generation – or not?!
This quiz will tell you whether you’ve got that entrepreneurial spirit and how to put it to use.
Ever heard of ‘intrapreneurship’? This module explores how to be an entrepreneur…without having to start your own business.
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Products that work beautifully on their own and seamlessly when you put them together